Registration & Bike Logistics
Rider Registration
Rider registration and race number pickup will take place at the Morgan Bay Hotel on Thursday the 15th of May (GKT Original) or the 22nd of May (GKT Tour) from 12.00 to 16.00.
For the GKT Tour Lite – race number pickup will take place at the Morgan Bay Hotel on Friday from 17.00 – 18.00. Rider briefing will then take place at 18.00.
Please Note: A comprehensive rider briefing will then take place at 18.00 at the Morgan Bay Hotel each night.
You need to ensure that you have booked your flights to ensure you are present at the rider briefing. Please note that the drive time from East London Airport to Morgan Bay is an hour and 15 minutes.
Bike Transport
We will be offering limited bike transport to the start at Morgan Bay.
Bike transport from Johannesburg to Morgan Bay Return – Price tbc
Bike transport from Cape Town to Morgan Bay Return – Price tbc
Bike transport from Durban to Morgan Bay Return – Price tbc
Bikes will be loaded into bike boxes and transported to Morgan Bay
The date for Bike Drop Off will be confirmed.
You will be able to book your Bike Transport when entering online.
NOTE: Whilst we take extreme care of your bike and do our utmost to make sure it gets to Morgan Bay and back unscathed, the onus is on you to insure your bike. This you agree to as part of the entry process when you agree to the Terms and Conditions. Should anything untoward happen to your bike, we cannot be held responsible or liable.